Camera Austria 167, AT —01/09/2024

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Circuits of Blackness
Writting by Serubiri Moses
« Cédrine Scheidig focuses in her portraits, landscape photographs, and still lifes on the everyday life of Black people in French overseas territories, especially Guiana, Martinique, and Guadeloupe. She is particularly interested in questions pertaining to identity formation and belonging. As a starting point for interpreting Scheidig’s work, Serubiri Moses takes zouk— a musical style originating in Guiana and enjoying influences from the French Caribbean and Africa. He explains how the artist lends visibility and possible narratives to her own, Caribbean-influenced form of “Black experience.” She thus works to counteract established Caribbean visual narratives that focus on an exotic paradise oriented primarily to the landscape: “In her pursuit of the circuits of Blackness, from Cayenne to Paris, Scheidig reveals a strategy that relates to the origin and movement of Black culture across geography and history.»
Announcement Verzasca Foto Festival Award, 3rd Prize —10/06/2024

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Aperture Conversations : Reframing Histories —04/04/2024

The “Counter Histories” issue features artists from around the world who reframe complex histories. This conversation will bring together Abdo Shanan (@abdo.shanan), Cédrine Scheidig (@cscheidig), and Lindokuhle Sobekwa (@lindokuhle.sobekwa) for a discussion moderated by Aperture senior editor Brendan Embser. From building a speculative archive about citizens in Algeria to engaging with legacies of the African diaspora, these photographers question dominant historical narratives to create layered portrayals of place, culture, and community.
The “Counter Histories” issue features artists from around the world who reframe complex histories. This conversation will bring together Abdo Shanan (@abdo.shanan), Cédrine Scheidig (@cscheidig), and Lindokuhle Sobekwa (@lindokuhle.sobekwa) for a discussion moderated by Aperture senior editor Brendan Embser. From building a speculative archive about citizens in Algeria to engaging with legacies of the African diaspora, these photographers question dominant historical narratives to create layered portrayals of place, culture, and community.
Youtube link to Aperture Conversations : Reframing Histories
Aperture N°254, Counter Histories, United States —01/03/2024

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Searching for Cayenne
Cédrine Scheidig asks where the history of the Caribbean begins and ends
writting by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie
Residency : Fundaziun Nairs, Switzerland —01/03/2024 - 30/05/2024

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Fisheye review : Ravissements guyanais —06/01/2024

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PhMuseum review : Cédrine Scheidig Captures the Essence of Contemporary Caribbean Identity —21/12/2023

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Announcement PhMuseum Women Photographers Grant, 1st Prize —23/11/2023

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A independent jury comprised of Anna Goldwater Alexander (Director of Photography, WIRED), Bindi Vora (Visual Artist and Curator, Autograph), Holly Roussell (Curator, UCCA), Taous Dahmani (Curator, Louis Roederer Discovery Award at Les Rencontres d’Arles & Editor, The Eyes Magazine) assigned the €5,000 PhMuseum 2023 Women Photographers Grant 1st Prize to Cédrine Scheidig for her project Les Mornes, Le Feu (The Dunes, The Fire).
Solo Exhibition Salut Au Monde ! Porto —23/09/2023

CÉDRINE SCHEIDIG: De la mer, à la terre (SAM! #9)
Espaço SP620. Porto
23 / 09 / 2023 — 04 / 11 / 2023
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Residency : FotoKontré, Guyane —23/02/2023 - 30/03/2023

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Fisheye review : Réflexion poétique et politique sur l’hybridité culturelle 14/03/2023

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Solo Exhibition de la mer à la terre, Maison Européenne de la Photographie —01/02/2023 - 26/03/2023

For the first part of the winter season, the MEP Studio presents the work of the young French- Caribbean photographer Cédrine Scheidig, winner of the Dior Photography and Visual Arts Award for Young Talents in 2021.
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Lauréate Bourse Nationale des Regards du Grand Paris 7e Edition, Ateliers Medicis —22/10/2022

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PHOTO SLAM : A NEW GENERATION As part of the 52nd edition of festival Rencontres d'Arles —07/07/2022

Rencontres d’Arles 52e edition
photographs from the series INSULAR
British Journal Of Photography : Ones To Watch 2022 —01/06/2022